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Iris Global Companies Other Sectors Home Services Comprehensive Claims Management
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Claim Management

Experts in comprehensively managing insured events for your company, business premise or shop. We have a team that specializes in urgent and maintenance repairs, construction work and renovation work as well as integrated maintenance for companies, both preventive as well as corrective.

At Iris Global, we seek to ensure your peace of mind and make life a little easier for you.  That’s why we have quick and effective solutions for those complicated times.

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An expert network of professionals

We work with a network of highly qualified professionals.  That’s why our claims management services are of high quality for customers.

Service features

In a world immersed in the IOT, we offer solutions to protect and accompany individuals and companies in their technological life, adapting to the needs of digital leisure and connected homes and SMEs. We combine the specialization of our teams with the latest technology to become the ally of any user.

We have connected specialists available during & nbsp; 365 days a year to resolve technical software and hardware queries about the equipment that the client has in the home. The service is provided by telephone by taking the remote control of the device or in person if necessary.

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