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Iris Global Individuals Travel Insurances Travel Assistance Insurance for individuals
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International travel insurance
with coverage more complete and flexible.
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International Travel Insurance

Travel with the peace of mind of being accompanied and protected with this international travel insurance.
Travel with Iris Global Travel Insurance and protect yourself with the best coverage: COVID-19 coverage; medical assistance coverage; baggage covers; travel and flight cancellation coverage.
You can customize each Coverage to the needs of your trip

How does the best International Travel Insurance work?

The best Medical Assistance on the market

The Iris Global International Travel Insurance has the best medical assistance since you can contract a limit of medical expenses of up to 200,000 euros. This means that you will be protected if you need medical help in a situation of illness that occurs during your trip.

International network of medical collaborators

We have agreements with medical providers and collaborators and hospitals. This means that if you get sick during your trip we can advise you on the nearest center with a direct dialogue between Iris and the health center.

International Coverage

This travel insurance is valid almost throughout the world, except for cruises and conflict zones.

A travel insurance that adapts to you

You can adapt the limits of the guarantees depending on the trip and your needs. You can even travel with personalized coverage limits depending on the traveler.

International travel insurance coverage

Our travel insurance includes medical and security information related to the destination country, through a smart application to provide medical and security alerts.
So, before starting any trip, insure yourself with Iris Global and enjoy the best benefits in medical coverage since we have one of the best travel insurance on the market.
Why choose Iris Global to insure your trip?
There are many reasons to take out travel insurance from Iris Global, since this type of insurance guarantees you have everything under control if you want to have everything under control when you travel abroad.
On the one hand, this type of travel insurance provides essential coverage for medical emergencies and protection against accidents, both internationally and nationally. It also offers benefits such as cancellation cover, which can provide essential protection in the event of the unexpected. In addition, the travel medical coverage guarantee included in the plan covers services for unexpected illnesses and accidents abroad, such as urgent medical evacuations, hospital treatment and much more. With so many advantages and benefits, it's no wonder so many people turn to Iris Global travel insurance when planning their trips abroad.
Contingencies abroad Having international travel insurance is essential for anyone planning to take a trip abroad. Iris Global insurance coverage can provide peace of mind in the event of the unexpected, such as cancellation due to illness or unexpected events, as well as protection for stolen items or emergency medical assistance. Additionally, international travel insurance can provide travelers with protection for damages due to theft or accident abroad. Iris Global Assistance is a great resource for those looking for the best international travel insurance coverage, offering a range of plans with customizable features to best suit your needs. Insurance companies offer different levels of coverage, some of which include medical expenses, trip cancellation, and evacuation expenses. However, Iris Global has the most comprehensive coverage.
Calculate the price of your insurance from the rater and discover which coverages are the ones that interest you the most and find the one that best suits your needs. In addition, if you take into account characteristics such as the limits of medical coverage or cancellation coverage, you will be taking steps to guarantee the safety of both your finances and your health during your next trip.

Coverage detail

  • Insurance coverage
  • Coberturas de Asistencia Médica y Asistencia en viaje
  • Coberturas de Incidencias en Viajes y vuelos
  • Servicios de Asistencia en Viaje
  • Coberturas de responsabilidad civil
  • Coberturas de contratación opcional

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In this guide you will find the best destinations to travel and everything you need to know about them.
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Travel Assistance Insurance Documents for Individuals

Travel Assistance Insurance Documents for Individuals
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General Conditions

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Insurance Product Information Document (IPID)

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Informational Note

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