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Iris Global Companies Other Sectors Health Services Access to Network Providers
Acceso cuadro baremado


Disponemos de un servicio de cuadro baremado salud, dental y bienestar que proporciona a tus clientes la mejor medicina privada.

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Reduction of up to 30% on healthcare rates.

By paying only the contracted services and with a reduction of up to 30% on health rates, we make available to your clients more than 20,000 professionals, care centers and clinics of recognized prestige throughout the national territory.

Advantages of the service

Acceso cuadro baremado
  • Your Customers will be able to enjoy private medicine with a significant discount and lower cost than going on their own.
  • Your customers will only pay for services actually rendered and not for the possibility of the unlimited use thereof as the monthly premium is reduced to a minimum.
  • Possibility of using the services of healthcare centres of great prestige.

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