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Iris Global Corporate Press room Iris Global held its annual awards ceremony event

Iris Global held its annual awards ceremony event

Corporativo 25-04-2024
Sistema de reconocimientos Iris Global.

Iris Global held its annual award ceremony, thus closing the year 2023 of its Awards System. An initiative designed to value and reward the exceptional performance and achievements reached by the Iris Global operations team. This system unifies various recognition cultures thereby promoting a culture of excellence and collaboration.

The Awards System aims to reward quarterly challenges and annual performance. Quarterly awards are given at an online event where the Operations Directors and their Managers recognize their teams for achieving the challenge set for each period, awarding them with €100 gift cards for each winning employee. These events provide a space to share experiences and celebrate collective achievements.

Annual Award Event


The annual award has been held in person at an event in the Ribera de Loira auditorium with the 27 winners accompanied by their supervisors and the Iris Global Management Committee, led by Maite Maroto, the General Director. Among the highlights of the day were the speeches of the winners, who shared their experiences and reflections on what it means to be recognized for their work.

Comments from the Director of People


Elena Sánchez Santana, Director of People at Iris Global, assures that "the main goal of the Awards System is to foster motivation and commitment among employees by recognizing their work and contributions to the success of the company. By providing tangible and meaningful incentives, the system seeks to create a positive work environment and promote a culture of excellence. We want to value effort, dedication, and teamwork to improve the results of the entire operations area."

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