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Iris Global Corporate Press room Iris Global participates in the II Plenary of the Digital Transformation Forum for Justicev

Iris Global participates in the II Plenary of the Digital Transformation Forum for Justicev

Legal 27-03-2024
Foro de transformación digital

Claudia Del Grosso, director of media at Iris Global, participated in the session along with experts from the Public Service of Justice, Superior Court of Justice, FGE, and REFOR.


Event Details


Iris Global, a company specialized in assistance services, participated in the Digital Transformation Forum for Justice, organized by the Ministry of the Presidency, Justice, and Relations with the Courts at the Galería de las Colecciones Reales in Madrid. The event took place on March 20th and 21st and featured numerous sessions and speakers offering their insights into the digital world and its possibilities in terms of Administration and Justice.


First Plenary


In the first plenary session on March 21st, following the opening of the day by Manuel Olmedo, Secretary of State for Justice, a colloquium was held in which Claudia Del Grosso participated. The conference was moderated by Sofía Puente, General Secretary for Innovation and Quality of the Public Service of Justice, and featured the presence of Esmeralda Rasillo, Fiscal de Sala, Ana Orellana, specialist Magistrate, and Ignacio Álvarez, Economist.

Interventions and Discussions


Claudia Del Grosso explained how Iris Global is involved in digital transformation through postmortem documentation management, highlighting the importance of digital tools in improving efficiency and reducing bureaucratic process times. She also emphasized automation in Civil Registries and the benefits of automation robots in daily management.

The speakers concluded the session with a motivational message, emphasizing the importance of continuing with the digitization model that will continue to evolve and grow.

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