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Iris Global Corporate News Innovation in the administrative processing of Deaths

Innovation in the administrative processing of Deaths

Funeral Thu Oct 07 10:06:04 UTC 2021
Joana Daguro
At Iris Global we have processed more than 350,000 death certificates in the last year. We provide relatives with all the necessary documentation so that they can process their inheritance and, for this, we have a new working tool consisting of a CRM platform, which has helped us to innovate the process model, improving it through the automation of several tasks, the integration with different external applications, the use of robots and the obtaining of a complete traceability of all interactions during the time of management of a file.
As in many other services, in the processing of documentation we need to use a lot of data and it is in the collection and management of data where we have advanced and made significant changes. Thanks to the integration with other applications and the automation of this new tool, we have achieved that, at the moment we receive the communication of the client's death, the file is automatically created in our system and is autocomplete with all the necessary data that have not been transferred in that first communication.
The use of robots has eliminated the manual "copy-paste" task, autocompleting a whole series of official forms in record time and with great data quality. The use of robots has eliminated the manual "copy-paste" task, autocompleting a whole series of official forms in record time and with great data quality.
Thus, our Document Management Area obtains a greater control of the integral management of the file, by having a traceability of the processing of each administrative certificate and pension, updating its status constantly.
We take advantage of technology to innovate our processes, either to create new ones or to improve existing ones, thus increasing our management capacity, and obtaining better organization and time optimization.
The role played by our qualified operators, together with a personal and close attention, are an essential part of a service that is already very bureaucratic and in constant technological evolution, but that will always need a human and warm touch in such complicated moments as a death.
Our main objective is to accompany families, facilitate and expedite, as far as possible, the legal procedures after the death of a loved one, on the pillars of people and technology.
Joana Daguro
Innovation Manager at Iris Global

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